
Pool tips and more!

As we bid adieu to the beautiful summer days and brace ourselves for the cooler months, it’s time to prep our swimming pools for the winter season. Yes, even here in sunny Florida, where the winters are milder, certain steps need to be taken to protect your pool from the colder temperatures. Plus, if you don’t use your pool as often during the cooler months, it makes sense to adjust its maintenance routine to save on energy costs and keep it in top shape for when the heat comes back.

Here’s how you can properly winterize your pool in Florida:

Balance the Water Chemistry

First things first, it’s crucial to get your pool’s water chemistry in balance. This involves checking the pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels. Ideally, the pH level should be between 7.2 and 7.8, the total alkalinity between 80 and 120 ppm, and calcium hardness between 180 and 220 ppm. Balancing the water chemistry as the winter season sets in prevents corrosion and scaling, ensuring your pool surfaces and equipment stay in great condition.

Clean Your Pool Thoroughly

Next up, give your pool a thorough cleaning. Skim off leaves and debris, vacuum the pool floor, and brush down the walls and tile line. A clean pool is less likely to develop algae and other problems over the winter. Plus, it makes for a much more pleasant sight from your patio!

Lower the Water Level

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to completely drain your pool for the winter. In fact, doing so can cause serious damage. Instead, lower the water level to just below the skimmer. This prevents overflow from rain and keeps the skimmer from being damaged.

Protect Your Pool Equipment

Your pool equipment also needs a little TLC during the winter. While winterizing your pool, turn off the pool heater, filter, and pump, then drain all the water from them. Be sure to also disconnect any hoses and store them indoors. Cover your pool equipment with a protective cover to shield it from the elements.

Check for Swimming Pool Leaks

Even the smallest leak can lead to significant water loss over time. Before you finish winterizing your pool, it’s a good idea to check for any leaks. Early detection and repair of leaks can prevent further damage and save you money in the long run.

Cover Your Pool

As you finish up winterizing your pool for a Florida winter, cover the pool with a sturdy, high-quality cover. This prevents debris from entering the pool and helps maintain the water balance. Plus, the pool cover is an extra layer of protection against unexpected winter storms.

Schedule a Leak Detection Service Today

Your swimming pool isn’t fully prepared for a Florida winter until you’ve had it checked for leaks by a professional. Why is this step important, you ask? Well, leaks can cause significant damage to your pool and surrounding property, not to mention lead to increased utility bills. And the thing about leaks is, they don’t always show up as puddles around the pool. Sometimes, they’re hidden deep within the pool structure or underground.

Fortunately, that’s where LeakXperts can help. With our state-of-the-art equipment and expert team, we can detect even the tiniest leaks in your pool. So, schedule your leak detection service with LeakXperts today, and we’ll ensure that your pool is leak-free and ready for the next swimming season.

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